July News-Round Up
Posted on August 02, 2024

6 months after commencing steelwork on the SSEN Strategic Spares Warehouse at Dalcross Industrial Estate, our supply chain partners at BSB Structural Ltd and FVF LTD have now commenced steel erection works at the sister project in Dundee, Claverhouse Industrial Estate. Good progress made already with the first loads of steel standing.

This contract saw Global Infrastructure deliver the essential infrastructure works required to facilitate the new social housing development at Golspie.
The properties are the first Highland Council new build social housing properties in Golspie for 30 years. The development includes a total of twenty new homes, 7 x 2 bed 4 person villas, 3 x 3 bed 4 person villas, 2 x 4 bed 7 person villas, 4 x 2 bed 3 person bungalows and 4 x 1 Bed 2 person cottage flats, offering a wide range of accessible properties to meet demand in the area

Every month, we will highlight our directors and their unique paths into the Construction and Civil Engineering sector.
Next we have Commercial Director, Kevin Williamson who shares his journey from where he began to where he is today and it is safe to say, it has been marked with a few twists and turns along the way.
To read the full spotlight, please visit https://bit.ly/4cCWR2F

Great progress on our Lochay Substation project near Killen for SSEN Transmission Earthworks

Gabion Baskets

Transformer bunds

Equipment Bases

Cable Basement & Building Foundations

Steel Frame Building Erected

Ready for the the cladding and fit out works next…watch this space