March News Round-Up
Posted on April 01, 2024

Last week we were delighted to attend DYW Green Careers Expo at Alness Academy, alongside GEG Capital to showcase the fantastic career opportunities across the Global Group to over 600 pupils across the Highlands.

It's Scottish Apprenticeship Week, a time to celebrate the benefits apprenticeships bring to businesses and individuals. Today GI are shining the light on some of our very own past and present apprentices. We caught up with Jack Skinner, Jake MacDonald, Rheanna Urquhart, Connor Smith, Grant Munro and Scott Stewart who all joined Global Infrastructure as an Apprentice/Trainee and have made a significant impact to our business. We appreciate the valuable contributions of our apprentices throughout the business, and we remain dedicated to supporting the growth of the next generation of skilled workers.

Happy #InternationalWomensDay to all the ladies of Global Infrastructure!
The office received this lovely bunch of flowers this morning from our Directors.

This month Fraser MacPherson and Scott Stewart attended an Employer Open Evening at the UHI Inverness from 5pm-7pm for students to get the chance to speak to local employers about apprenticeships and current vacancies available!

Birds eye view of our Dalcross Strategic Spare Warehouse for SSEN Transmission.