September News Round-Up
Posted on September 18, 2023
This week we said goodbye to John Stewart as he retires from Global Infrastructure, John worked for ourselves for 13 years as a Ganger covering multiple sites over the years. GI would like to wish him all the best in his well-deserved retirement. He has been in the industry for most of his working life so will be a great loss to the Construction Industry!

Some of GI girls have taken part in a couple of Charity Events over the last few weeks.
Tanya Bartlet, Joanna MacLean, Stacey Stewart and Rhianna Parker took part in Run the Runway 5k at Inverness Airport and have raised £1185 for Maggies Highland. Erin Fraser took part in the Loch Ness Bungee Jump and raised £1015 for the Highland Hospice.
Fantastic effort from all the girls and an incredible amount of money raised for both charities.

New lorry day for GI - The main benefit of the new lorry is the lifting capability as it will lift approx. 3 times the weight that our old one could, meaning we can move cabins / containers etc. ourselves whilst on site. The new lorry is also more fuel efficient saving running costs.
Thanks to Kevin Fraser @ Volvo Inverness and the Livery was done by Shane @ Signright.

A huge congratulations to Karen Lawrie our newly qualified QS who has just received her University results and got a First Class Honours in BSc (Hons) in Construction and the Built Environment (Quantity Surveying) through Glasgow Caledonian University.
Karen has been juggling her full time role including visiting sites all over the North of Scotland whilst travelling back and fourth to Glasgow for Uni over the last 3 years. A massive achievement, well done Karen!

Global Infrastructure are delighted to sponsor U14 Clachnacuddin Football Team for the second year running.